Thursday, March 5, 2009

Assignment #7


Hope you are had a wonderful break. Since I introduced the assignment in class--let me simply reiterate:

TO READ: The handout with sestinas, pantoums, and villanelles. Also (for clarification or further explication--the section on repetitive forms in Hollander)

TO WRITE: Either a sestina or a villanelle or a pantoum. Or all three if you are compulsive or bored or masochistic.

TO TURN IN: Line edits (as always). Gloss your new partner's work if it is up for workshop. Next group turn in work (anyone who did not turn in work this past workshop).

ALSO: I have decided this next class should be a SHARE-THE-WEALTH class. Prepare a 5 minute long INTERACTIVE presentation on something you do that informs your writing or your humanity... give us the information needed that it might in some small way start to inform our work (or our humanity--which should be our work). In other words, limit yourself to a single aspect of your singing, dancing, painting, guitar playing, bird watching, bike riding, obsession with dolls, horses, rainbows, corpses, or fractals that we could adapt to use as some sort of tool of thought/feeling/form. You will of course be graded on clarity, concision, complexity, use-of-time, relevance, and humanity. ;)

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